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Thursday, September 13, 2007 

Erectile Dysfunction - The Facts

During the trial of a statutory rape case, the defense lawyer squashed the proceedings with a simple statement that as far as his client was concerned, the question does not arise. When the infuriated judge demanded an explanation, the witty lawman told the court that the question in that particular case referred to his clients phallus that could never arise because of erectile dysfunction, a fact supported by testimony.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) generally refers to male impotency where the male member becomes incapable of normal sexual function due to the inability to develop and/or maintain erection of the penis, a prerequisite to sexual intercourse.

The great macho tool called the penis has two cylindrical spongy structures that run along its length. As a man becomes sexually aroused (by sight, touch, smell, hearing, thought process, etc.), nerve impulses send a heavy blood flow to the cylinders that enters into the spongy structures, causing an erection of the penis, and at the same time making it stiff and erect for penetration of the vagina. Situation becomes quite different when no such thing happens and the mechanism of erection does not function. This is when erectile dysfunction prevails.

Earlier, problems relating to erectile dysfunction were not given due importance by the medical profession as it was more or less a taboo and also it has never been life threatening. Nevertheless, modern medical science tends to cross hitherto barriers to reach into the reasons behind erectile dysfunction as also to provide a cure for the malaise that affects men, making them inwardly shy, as compared to their more virile counterparts. Instances of men being affected by erectile dysfunction at even earlier ages are not infrequent, thus advancing the research to more definite goals.

Erectile dysfunction can be triggered by both physical and non-physical (psychological) causes. Among the non-physical causes, negative feeling usually takes the hot seat. Acute financial crisis, impending disaster, sudden loss of job, hostility or even resentment and lack of interest in sex by the partner in most cases create temporary erectile dysfunction in males of varying ages.

Also responsible are factors relating to the love life of the partners that may occasionally nose-dive. Anxiety neurosis is another ally of erectile dysfunction when a man presumes he has been a failure in satisfying his spouse even when the reality tells a different story. Psychotherapy can restore the faith in most cases and the man can lead a normal sex life after the treatment.

As for the physical causes of erectile dysfunction, there are very many reasons, most of them also being curable through appropriate treatment.

Some of the physical causes behind erectile dysfunction include diabetic conditions leading to nerve damage, cardiovascular disorders affecting blood supply to the pelvic region, specific medication for controlling high blood pressure, injury caused to the spinal chord, multiple sclerosis, hormonal disorders, drug abuse, etc. With introduction of modern medicines even aged males are said to be now enjoying sex with young tarts with the vitality of a Viyagra or tiger (in Sanskrit).

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about erectile dysfunction, male enhancement and other common conditions for Amoils.com.

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